
Friday, October 4, 2013

Sep 29, 2013 - Art of Right Contact

Hari OM. 
The second topic that was covered was the Art of Right Contact!

This topic discusses about the challenges that we face in life, and how they are valuable lessons that shape and define our personality. Though challenges are very difficult to face, when one analyzes the experience later, it usually turns out that the challenge forced one to face and adapt to the situation, and left one more mature, more experienced :)

We discussed about how failure in-fact is a great teacher. Each failure takes you a step closer to the goal. We related to these quotes: 
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”― Thomas A. Edison
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.― Mahatma Gandhi

Quite a few in the group came up with insights from their own experiences about the time when they decided that the continuous quest of wanting to achieve certain things in life was in conflict with their inner selves. After considerable thought they came to a conclusion on what would lead to a more harmonious existence for themselves.
 Thus the art of right contact appears to lie in “our dexterity in facing up to challenges” rather than in the myriad problems that one confronts as part of our existence. 

Here is an excerpt from Kindle Life:

"A rough surface is as a rule essential for sharpening any dull instrument. When one knows the art of applying the tool to the grindstone, it is the roughness of the stone that alone sharpens the tool. So too, in life, when we understand the "Art of establishing Right Contact", with the world, we chasten and edify our subjective personality. The evils of the world, therefore, are not great problems and impediments, but man's lack of dexterity in facing the challenges confronting him, is the real problem."
GuruDev concludes the chapter by saying “Let us develop a sense of gratitude to the Lord by focusing our attention on what we have, which a good many less fortunate have not, and are yearning for.”

How does one learn or develop the Art of Right Contact, or, this dexterity?

We discussed about learning from the experience of others who have gone through similar challenges. We debated the pros and cons of this approach. The time and place we live in sometimes calls for a different strategy, our background might not be exactly the same as the person whose experience we are referring to, etc. Nevertheless, it is not wise to say I will not learn from any one, and I will learn it on my own accord, even if it is the hard way.

Here is where Vedas and Vedanta in particular, comes to our rescue. However it is absolutely critical that we truly understand the philosophy explained in the vedanta, and then apply in our day-to-day lives and practice with conviction and commitment.  

With that we concluded our session.

Summarized by:
- Karthik Ramakrishnan & Anjana

Preparation for the next class:
Reading Assignment: Pages 7 - 15 in Kindle Life
Reflection Questions:  What is your definition of Happiness?
Daily introspection: What made you happy, what made you unhappy?

Looks like few of our study group members are familiar with Adi Shankaracarya's Bhaja Govindam and the wisdom it has to offer. 

Looking forward to an exciting discussion in our next session on October 6, 2013
- Anjana

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