After discussing about attachment and detachment, we moved on to the next topic in the book - The Joy of Living!
Preparation for the Next session
Every human seems to be craving for Joy, or, chasing Happiness, running away from sorrow, or, avoiding unhappiness! We are all quite aware that what makes us happy, does not necessarily make others happy. Eating Pistachio ice-cream might bring immense pleasure to one, while making another completely sick!
Being aware of happiness and unhappiness had been our introspection exercise for the past week.
Here is a summary of the group experiences and discussions:
- When I do my duties without fail, I feel happy. On the contrary, if I am unable to, or am delayed I feel unhappy or rather disturbed.
- Watching my son being able to swim on his own with confidence, made me very happy.
- Being able to do what I want, makes me happy.
- Being late makes me unhappy.
- When my kids question the values I want them to follow, I feel unhappy.
- I am always happy. When asked for the secret behind the happiness, the answer was - "I don't let other things bother me!"
- To those of us who are concerned about others' happiness, the assurance was - "You cannot make some one else happy, because Happiness comes from within!"
- Being happy is not the same as being excited or emotional.
- Meditation calms me and makes me happy.
Happiness is hard to define, because it is a state of mind. The less disturbed or agitated our mind is, greater is our experience of happiness.
However time and again, we tend to seek for happiness in the external world, through the objects of the world which are temporary and can not provide us with everlasting satisfaction.
EricJi commented that none of the objects in the world can make us experience "a state of Bliss". The question that naturally followed was: What exactly is a state of Bliss?
Well, we had reached our time limit for the day, and hence decided to continue on the topic of Bliss in our next session.
We concluded the session with closing prayers.
Summarized by,
Preparation for the Next session
Reading Assignment: Pages: 13 - 19 in Kindle Life
Reflection Questions:
Reflection Questions:
- How aware are we of the choices we make everyday? (Self-Intrsopection Exercise)
- Are good and bad choices universal, or are they subjective?
- How can one tell if the path one is taking is a the path of the pleasant or the path of the Good?
- What come in the way of harmonious existence? (Sefl-Intrsopection Exercise)
- What causes discrepancy between what one believes vs. what one practices?
- What are some practical exercises that can help one achieve an integrated personality?
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